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Adopt a Fairy Here!!!

How to adopt...

To adopt a fairy go to one of our fairy kingdom pages(ex. Fashion Fairies)! Then select a fairy that you just have to have!!! Save her/him to your computer. Then come to this page to fill out and print your adoption certificate. We strongly suggest you print it out for future reference. Then you can do two things- adopt a pet for your fairy or make a home for her/him!!!(directions below)

Note: You don't have to adopt a fairy pet or make a home for your fairy but, your fairy will probably be more comfortable and happy with these two things!!! You can just simply save them to your computer and use them for screen savers, reports, graphics, etc. If you do choose to make a website using the fairies from this site please put us, adoptafairy.com on your link page!!!


Adoption Directions

#1. Save Fairy to your computer
#2. Save Adoption Certificate to your
#3. Fill and or print out Adoption Certificate
#4. Adopt a Fairy Pet for your fairy(optional)
#5. Make a Home for your Fairy (optional)

If you have any questions please email us @:

Fairy Pet Adoption
Some fairies get very lonesome and need a friend besides you!!! We have many elegible pets on our Fairy Pet Page!!! We have included a description of each so you know what type of pet goes along best with the fairy you choose!!!

Making a Home For Your Fairy...

The best way to take care of a cyber fairy is to make a home for her/him-Build a Website!!! There are many different sites to help you on your way! They give you information on how to program, check statistics and add tools to your site!!! The one we are currently using is:
There are however many others to choose from such as homestead.com, dreamweb.org and geocities.com!!! With your own fairy website you can add stuff like food, a habitat and other fun things for your personal fairy to enjoy!!!

Adoption Certificate

Save this adoption certificate to your computer. Then print it out and fill it out!!! You can also copy it to your paint program and use the writing tools to fill it out! If you use the paint option please do not edit or change anything on the certificate besides the information you need to fill out!!! This option is best if you want to put your fairy on a website!!! Then it will be easier to put your adoption information and certificate with the fairy!!!

Adoption Certificate Example
This is an example of an Adoption Certificate so you will know how to fill one out!!!