Adopt A Fairy

Welcome To Our Home Page

~We are currently under construction. Please come back soon. We re-formated our site to the purple stars!!! We are hoping to have the site finished by the end of summer!!! Thanks a bunch!!! We apologize for any inconveniences!!! We extremely appreciate your patience!!!

We wanted to say thanks to our biggest fan~Nicole Lumley!!! Thanks Nicole and we wish you the best!!! You're so awesome and good luck on your website!!!

Welcome To!!!
The newest craze on the internet is to adopt cyber fairies!!! This site is made to help you on your adopting adventure!!! If you aren't sure on how to use our site go to the How to Adopt a Fairy page! If you still are confused please email us @:

We are now having a contest for those of you who want your fairy to appear on our site! To enter just draw us a picture of a fairy and send it to with your name and age!

Also to vote on the fairy of the month choose a fairy that you like and click on our Fairy of the Month page and VOTE!!!

Send us an E-mail @:

If you have any questions please email us @: